23rd ISOLS General Meeting – Vienna 2026
September 23-26, 2026 – Vienna, Austria www.isols2026.org
The purpose of the Association is to promote research, education and clinical practice related to musculoskeletal tumors and its foremost purpose is to improve patient care related to limb salvage interventions.
It also serves as a forum for intellectual exchange among physicians, engineers, scientists and other persons interested in limb salvage, promotes advances in the field of limb salvage and ongoing education of persons engaged in the field of limb salvage.
September 23-26, 2026 – Vienna, Austria www.isols2026.org
Download Flyer Webinar recording After the webinar has taken place, you can watch the recording as long as you are an active member of ISOLS.
Download Flyer Webinar recording After the webinar has taken place, you can watch the recording as long as you are an active member of ISOLS.